Monthly Archives: November 2015

(Almost) Two Books

I am SO CLOSE to being done with Psych’s Guide to Crime Fighting for the Totally Unqualified, but I am just not there yet and I’m super sleepy.  And instead of finishing the book, I wrote 5000 more words.  So, you know.  Priorities.

The book I did finish this week is all We should all be feminists, which was an adapted TedTalk, a short, quick read, and super good.  Everyone should read it.  It makes excellent points about the state of the world and how far we still have to go.

Psych’s Guide is really good so far too, if you’re a Psych fan.  There are a ton of throwbacks and allusions to the TV series, and while the book is “by” Shawn, every other main character makes an appearance too.  I love it.

Anyway, it’s getting late, and I am very tired, so tonight is short and sweet.

NaNo Update: 27,049.

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NaNo Update, and My New Cure for Writer’s Embarrassment.

The good news is, I wrote more words today than I was planning to, over 5000 in fact.

The bad news is that this (and two previous days of writing almost 2000) comes right after a two-day episode where just the idea of writing made me cry.  Having skipped those days, my word count is currently at 21,437.

The other good news is that I feel like I’ve had a breakthrough.  I FINALLY finished my outline, working in every major subplot I decided on in the second draft, including diversity, injustice, and mental illness.  (Guys, it’s a Robin Hood story.  I would be ashamed if I didn’t address these issues.)  And the story is getting its middle, the characters developing rather than just changing overnight.  I’m on the right track.

My trip to Chapel Hill on Sunday helped.  From the drive there, it felt like a weight was falling off of my shoulders, and while listening to some pretty powerful music, I was inspired both about my story and to believe in myself.  Then I spent some time in bookstores, which is always refreshing, and with some good friends, one of whom is an excellent writer who suggested the idea that has now become the linchpin of the whole thing.  I started reading We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (more of that on Thursday) and even got to write in those friends’ presence.  All of these things restored my faith in myself and my story.

So, in conclusion, the next time your inadequacies stifle your creativity, here are some ideas to try (I’m talking to you, Future Kari):

  1. Take a drive.  A long drive, if possible.  Listen to music that makes you feel happy and strong.  Go home.  Go somewhere that you have, in the past, felt both challenged and refreshed creatively.
  2. Go into a bookstore.  Pick something that sounds empowering, preferably something short that can relate to your story.
  3. Have a good meal with good friends.  Talk.  Talk about your story, tell them what problems your having specifically and what you hope to achieve with the story.  Either they will have ideas for it, or talking about it will get your brain working.
  4. Write surrounded by people (or with a single person) who are also working, but can listen to you work through your story, can suggest when breaks are necessary, and can encourage you.
  5. Also, drink lots of coffee while doing all the other things.

(Also, I didn’t have time to watch Supergirl yet!  I promise I’ll talk about it next Tuesday.)

Current word count: 21, 437.

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November Update.

Yes, I missed Tuesday’s blog post. To tell you the truth, I am really far behind in NaNo (yes I’m doing that), so every moment I have free is going to playing catch up.

So blog posts in November may be short and scattered. I will give you a word count update, however. And if I don’t have 25,000 words next Tuesday,  one of you can suggest something awful I have to read.

Next Tuesday, I will also share my thoughts on Supergirl, so tune in!

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Reading Mary Karr’s Cherry was like reuniting with an old friend.  Those who have read The Liar’s Club will recognize the voice and even the main characters (as they seem to be, even though every bit of the story is true).  The situations themselves also feel familiar.  No matter how “mundane” your childhood was, Karr brings you in and lets you live her wild stories with her.

Cherry chronicles a lot of firsts and the journeys they lead her on.  We get to see exactly what she thought at the time but also how growing up has changed her perspective.  For those who loved her first book, it is an epic continuation, which will not disappoint as it is told with the same warmth and humor.  For those who have never read a Mary Karr book, it will bring you into her little world of Leechfield.

Every book she reads feeds into this sense of lostness and wandering.  Her tone injects her stories with a level of suspense, even though it is obvious from the fact that she lived to write it all down that it turned out fine, in the end.

Overall, this book was a great comfort to me, feeling at one time both familiar and like a glimpse into another universe.

I for one am looking forward to reading her book The Art of Memoir, as she appears to have mastered that art by recalling every detail to transport readers to her very consciousness at the time and using such beautiful, poetic language to do it.

(Of course, I may be biased because I’ve had a celebrity crush on her since I met her in college.)

While I doubt I will ever be able to recall my childhood with the detail she has presented hers with, reading her book has encouraged me to give poetry and lyricism another shot.  And as you well know, any work that encourages me to write is a paragon of glory in my book.

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Kari’s Famous Barbecue Chicken Pizza

I was supposed to share a recipe with you all a while ago, but I’m not sure it ever happened. Even if it did, I like this recipe because it’s delicious, it’s easily customizable, and it’s fast and easy. I had a low day last week and it was the perfect thing to ensure I actually ate.

The thing that takes the longest is the chicken. You can cut it first or cook it first. Then, smother it in your favorite barbecue sauce. For this recipe, I prefer something sweet.


Then, spread out your pizza dough. I like to fold over the edges so there’s a crust. Bake this dough, based on the directions on the tune, for 7 to 8 minutes, depending on how done/crispy you like your crust.


After the initial baking, spread barbecue sauce over it, as much or as little as you want.

Then add the chicken, plus done cilantro and bacon bits. Again, as much or as little as you want.

Finally, sprinkle a little bit of garlic powder over all of it.


Then add cheese! You can user whatever you want, but I prefer 6-cheese Italian and 4-cheese pizzeria.


Then, bake it again for 5 more minutes, or until all the cheese is melted. Splatter more barbecue sauce on top if you want.


Let me know if you try this! It’s one if my favorite weekday recipes.

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